Using AI to Predict Dream Recall
For my high school senior capstone project, I embarked on my first research project which I called "Using AI to Predict Dream Recall," inspired by the work done in this paper. In this study, individuals were awakened during different stages of sleep and asked if they recalled having a dream. I analyzed and filtered the electroencephalographic data collected during this sleep study and input that data into an ML algorithm to predict dream recall. The goal was to apply a machine learning approach to determine whether an awakening would lead to dream recall based on the collected data.Â
My Role: Senior Thesis in collaboration with Intel
Status: Completed report, documented blog (seen below)
Documented Blog
(Refurbished Version since the original was taken off school website after graduation)
Final Presentation

Note: I developed this project myself and received mentorship from Intel to complete it. With the knowledge I have now of Machine Learning and research I acknowledge and see where I made mistakes in vocabulary or my understanding with solving this problem, however, I'm keeping this project in its authentic, original form as it still had/has valuable insight and tells a great story of learning and growth.